


• 2010-2013: BA in Communication in Social and Economic Contexts, University of the Arts Berlin

• 2012-2013: Concept development, Communication strategy and marketing, Deutsche Filmakademie e.V.

• 2012-2013: Producer for Regioline, Video and Audio Editorial Assistant, Deutsche Presse Agentur dpa

• 2014-2018: Producer (previously Junior Producer), Chromosom Film GmbH, I.a. involved in: Living the light - Robby Müller (NL, GER 2018, documentary by Claire Pijman), Dogs (USA, GER 2018, Netflix documentary series by Amy Berg / Episode), Layla M. (NL, BE, GER 2016, feature film by Mijke de Jong)

• Freelance projects as Producer: Koks Jedentag geht zur Arbeit (GER 2017, short film by Marc Hosemann), Search & Rescue (GER 2017, short doc by Klara Plainer, Franzis Walther, Noaz Deshe)

