Screenplay Elise Benroubi
Directed by Maria Larrea
Cinematography Julien Poupard
Produced by Luca Cechet Sansoé, Kiyoshi Anatol Runze
Score ROB, Les frères Mazzalai
Edited by Laurence Larre
With Jonathan Cohen and Sylvie Levesque
The Stern family (Hanna, the mother, Shlomo, the father and their son Samuel) have fled the Warsaw ghetto and end up in the Wild West. The family, which has only just arrived, has trouble coming to terms with the culture and customs of their new setting. However, Samuel, the family’s 20-year-old son, does his best to become integrated into cowboy society. Despite his efforts, he’s outed as a foreigner and Jack, the leader of the cowboys, throws him out of the saloon.
However, Jack isn’t Samuel’s greatest problem: the real hitch is Hanna, his omnipresent and extremely concerned mother, who’s now afraid her son will become a real cowboy. A duel between Jack and Samuel is in the offing. Hanna, worried sick, can’t control herself any longer and smothers her son with advice, even trying to encourage him.