Screenplay Nicola Jakobi
Directed by Daniel Huss
Cinematography Kim Hausner
Produced by Rebecca Hartung, Alexia Wallemacq
Production Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Coproduction ARTE, SWR, La Fémis
Edited by Frederik Bösing
With Elias Maria Burckhardt, Valentin Oppermann, Mikke Rasch, Tristán López, Mieke Schymura, Zlatin Stoychev

A group of teenagers spend the evening in the clubhouse. One of them is Toni, who, as always, stays in the background. In the stuffy air of the wood-paneled room, they drink, watch each other, and make fun of each other, while pop songs play in the background. Everything as usual. As he watches an older couple dance in the course of the evening, Toni begins to ask himself what he really wants.

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