Screenplay Janine Dittmann
Directed by Gerd Schneider
Cinematography Carlo Jelavic
Produced by Julie Billy, Corinna Gallion
Score Michael Hearst
Edited by Alexa Menning
With Tino Mewes, Till Wonka, Anna Windmüller
Tim, who works as a nurse, is a member of the self-proclaimed “Rebel Clown Army”, a pacifist activist group. During a demonstration he accidentally injures Mario, a policeman.
The following day Tim is forced to confront his guilt when he arrives at work in the hospital. The injured policeman is now his patient. Although the two wear incompatible political outfits, they have their own personal human sides too. The film addresses how a political masquerade plays out and looks at its consequences, yet it is above all a tale about understanding one’s political opponents.