Produced by Caroline Wendt, Dario Vacchiato
Screenplay Michael Glasauer
Directed by Friederike Fiek
Cinematography Roy Imer
Score Marcel Walter
Edited by Kariem Saleh
With Pia Mechler, David Steffen
Katharine Johnson is tied to a healthy but emotional cold marriage with her husband Robert, one of the financial backers of the visionary inventor Nikola Tesla. The passion that Tesla devotes to his work fascinates Katharine. When an accident leaves him wounded, she becomes afraid that his addiction to work will make him sacrifice himself. Then, visiting Tesla’s laboratory with his husband, she begins – against Robert’s will – to remind him of a promise he once made to her: the promise to take a break after his last project, that is the project on which he’s now working. Believing that Tesla is sending her compliant signs, Katharine loses unfortunately control, is dragged by her desire and decides not to retreat before it.