Screenplay Louise Groult
Directed by Tristan Lhomme
Cinematography Kristy Baboul Gremeaux
Produced by Camille Bouloc, Koté Abdushelishvili
Production Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Coproduction ARTE, SWR, La Fémis
Edited by Aymeric Shoens
With David Houri, Elsa Guedj, Bertrand Poncet, Naël Malassagne, Michel Alexandre

Jeanne left Luc, at least for three weeks. But Jeanne is still very much here: in the coffee foam, on the opposite pavement or in a matchbox. Slumped at the bar, Luc is moping around. He is waiting to see her again or to forget her. A pile of scratch cards, a call made by no one and a strange psychic are so many reminders for his chagrin. Only three weeks left, minus one day… Well, not even one day, minus a few hours… 


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