Screenplay Kostia Testut, Juliette Soubrier
Directed by Juliette Soubrier
Cinematography Claude Natkin
Edited by Carlos Gil Silveira
Produced by Laure Caillol, Renée Koudstaal
Set design Prudence Richard
With Didier Champion, Pierre Macherez, Patrice Loiseau, Jean Haas, Thierry Bleu, Jean-Marc Besenval

A community of Cistercian monks on Christmas Eve: the brothers are slurping their soup in silence when all of a sudden there’s a knock on the door. A stranger comes in and the monks invite him to join their Christmas dinner. The man seems to be in poor health, with wounds on the palms of his hands. The stranger joins them at table and starts to eat. Then the monks seem to recognise him.

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