Screenplay Michael Pröhl, Florian Schwarz, Armel Hostiou
Directed by Armel Hostiou
Cinematography Samuel Collardey, Cringuta Pinzaru
Edited by Damien Maestraggi
Produced by Michael Reichenberg, David Zupnik
Score Fantasio (Fabrice Denys)
Set design Naira Meliava
With Fantasio, Chloé Réjon, Dominique Robin, Nicolas Bouyssi, Ophélie Hetzel, Maja Antonia Heifler, Ayiemi Morita, Elsa Birge, Emma Picq, Samantha Conty
A man at home alone, preparing a meal for two. Because one of his neighbours has lost her keys, he finds himself in the middle of a fiendish power struggle: he is a powerless and utterly perplexed bystander as six women die. Full of despair, he carries the corpses into his living room, singing lamentations accompanied by a double bass.